For children, a new sweet every day. What an adventure! When they talk about "something sweet", the parents want to offer to their children something SUGARFREE, whereas the children use their entire arsenal of tears in order to obtain something WITH SUGAR. In fact, the children want something sweet. Until now this was associated with sugar. Now we have the perfect alternative: the SteviElle sweeteners with playful flavors are capable of satisfying even the most demanding children. You can prepare for them lemonade, teas, creams, milk rice or just water with new flavor in each day. Thus you can be certain, that you offer them the healthiest sweet taste which is 100% NATURAL and SUGARFREE. Together we can prepare even better house-made sweets! Any recipe can be reinvented with a little imagination. After adding only a few drops of the SteviElle sweetener the same cake can be a delight with fruit or coffee or chocolate flavor. Visit our RECIPES section from our site and find out what our master confectioners suggest for you!